Ayurveda is a well tested and age old alternative therapy for many kinds of diseases including panic attacks treatment. Around 5000 years back in the Himalayas many sages started practicing Ayurveda, which is used even today. You can find plenty of people, who seek ...Read More
Vitiligo will also have a huge effect on the hair scalp. Usually, when it comes to hair scalp, this disease will leave white streaks or patches on hair. It will also affect the body and facial hair as well. Heredity could also be the ...Read More
On the regular basis, the mainstream medicine to diagnose and treat medical ailments and acute illnesses is the way to go. All the various scientific studies, quality control, rigorous standards, and widely tested effectiveness makes the conventional medicine a logical and safe choice. However, ...Read More
Keratosis pilaris is a skin condition that appears like small, acne-like bumps. Even though it is not deemed serious by health standards, keratosis pilaris can be trying because it’s hard to treat. People complain of constant goose bumps on the skin that most often ...Read More
It may come as quite a surprise to some that there are many effective natural painkillers available for a countless number of illnesses that can at least do just as well as pharmaceuticals. Then unlike those potentially dangerous pharmaceuticals with their side effects natural ...Read More